Hi lovelies! Hope you all are well and life is being kind. Summer has set and it’s getting cooler here with fall in the air and there’s pumpkins on every doorstep. It’s been a few months since we last connected and I’ve got a bit to share with you…got a Haunted Beauty update, a NEW Haunted Beauty teaser and excerpt, and some news on Tragic Beauty, including some love that it received and the fact that it’s on SALE! But, first things first…
Haunted Beauty update…
Okay…first the good…
The good news is that Haunted Beauty has me all-consumed and I’ve been blasting through rewrites. I’m in the zone. That means I’m neglecting everything else, letting the dishes pile up, wearing the same clothes every day, going through the freezer because I don’t want to take the time to grocery shop. And if I’m doing that, it means the story has got me so hooked I can’t NOT work on it…and that’s great news, cuz for me, that’s when the magic happens. It’s when the mad artist in me is a slave to her canvas. It’s good…it’s amazing…it’s the muse in action…But it’s hard for me to get there and can be hard to maintain. I have to live and breathe their lives for me to be able to write it…and the conditions have to be right in the world going on around me. So what I’m trying to say is, right now, the conditions are right, and I’m moving along and writing something bigger, more layered, more intense, than I could’ve ever imagined. But…and it’s a big but…
(This is the bad part)…I regret to say, at this point, I know I won’t have it ready by end of 2019. I announce this with the a very sad soul. I had been waiting to announce anything before I knew for sure, to see if maybe I could sneak it in under the wire, but I can say at this point, there’s simply not enough time left to go through the all the finishing stages even once I’m done with rewrites…so I’m calling it. I’m so sorry, my friends. I have learned a painful lesson. Simply put, this inexperienced author assumed a date too early, and now I have to bow my head and beg your forgiveness. I can give you excuses like I’m a slow writer, a full-time caregiver for the man I love, a sometimes unstable klutz stumbling from day to day…but basically, it all boils down to the fact that I’m not there yet. And I cannot put out a story I do not feel is the very best I can do. Nor can I rush the creative process…it is a fickle soul at times, and I’m more or less at it’s mercy. I am also at life’s mercy…and as you all well know, shit, happens.
I know many of you have been waiting so patiently, and with all my heart, I’m so very sorry. I just want to be able to hand you the best possible story and know that I gave you, Ava, Gavin and Shayne, everything I possibly had to give. I hope you understand and will find it in your heart to forgive me. I’ll be updating some of the graphics to say coming soon and will keep you informed of the writing stages. For now, it’s rewrites until you hear otherwise. And if you don’t see me much online, it’s because I’m lost in Haunted. But thinking of you. 🙂
And now here’s a little something to ease the blow and sweeten the post…
NEW! Haunted Beauty teaser & excerpt…

Haunted Beauty excerpt (unedited, subject to change, copyright)
Through the darkness, I see Gavin leaning on his elbow, gazing down at me through somber eyes. He brushes a few strands of hair off my cheek and I see the twist of pain shadowing his exhausted face. Today was a rough one. Rougher than usual.
I stare up at him, wishing I could say I’m sorry. Wishing I could be stronger for him. Wishing he didn’t have to suffer through these days and nights with me.
“Don’t.” Gavin whispers. “I know where your mind is. We’re in this together, alright?”
There’s that word again. It warms me inside, as does the intent look on Gavin’s face, making sure I understand. He stays that way, watching me, while his fingers begin grazing over my hair. My eyes droop instantly, while the panic aches to take hold, knowing who waits for me on the other side. But Gavin keeps touching my hair, stroking it in that way that has my eyes closing all the way. I try not to think about why it feels so good, or why I’m instantly comforted. Instead, I focus on that touch…that soft touch that whispers across my hair. One I’ve felt a thousand times before. One that brings a sharp ache to my chest, but I can’t help but get lost in it, like looking at a shiny gold watch swing back and forth. It won’t be long now. And just like that, black eyes appear, this time through a hail of fire, piercing and possessive. He’s got hold of me now. A wayward thought wanders through me, as the gates of Hell close behind me, and a beast takes me in his embrace—how odd is it, that you can spend barely a moment with someone and feel as though you’ve known them a lifetime, while others, you can know a lifetime, and feel as though you never really knew them at all?
Tragic Beauty got some love!
So, I was going through my email and got this message:
We’re writing to let you know that you have been included in our recently published wiki: Dark And Sensual Books For Adult Readers.

Isn’t that so cool!? I think I was as excited to be on that list as I was to be on the same page as those three movies, hehe…I had to include them!
If you want to check it all out, you can see the published wiki here: https://wiki.ezvid.com/m/11-dark-and-sensual-books-for-adult-readers-CZEg7i-GciTrt
Tragic Beauty on SALE for 0.99!
TRAGIC BEAUTY is on SALE again for a limited time!!!!
I love to offer Tragic on sale from time to time. And I love to kick it off with Get That Book, who is doing a promotion with amazing books that are all on sale or free for today only…scroll down to the image and link below. It’s a great way for us authors to connect with new readers and a great way for you to find your next read. Tragic Beauty will continue on sale through Amazon a bit longer into the week, separate of this promotion. If you know someone who might dare to read it… 😉
★ Get That Book #FREEBIES & #DISCOUNTS ★

For one day only, an incredible group of authors are bringing you Amazon new releases, freebies and discounts! Click the link provided and you will be redirected to GET THAT BOOK’s website where you can download all your freebies and discounts: https://www.anitagrayauthor.com/4-oct-2019-deals
Participating authors are responsible for their freebies & discounts
Free and discounted at the time of posting
Always check the Amazon page before downloading
Happy Fall my friends…

Well…that about sums it all up. Thank you for reading this…I know it was kinda long this time…and thank you for everything. Your love, support and encouragement mean the world. Hope you and your loved ones are warm and safe, and have a wonderful time heading into the holiday season. You’ll be in my thoughts.
All my love,